The Winsome Run

a running blog

Janathon Day 16 – Over the Hump


I’ve made it past the halfway point of my first Janathon and have managed to do some exercise and post a blog each day. I would have liked more running miles on the board but had to give my ankle a break last weekend, so I’ve done what I could and that is fine. I have, however, been for two swims, a bike ride and two yoga sessions which is more cross training than in the entire second half of 2013 (I didn’t set any cross-training frequency goals but that means I can stop there and claim it as a win!).  I’ve enjoyed the blogging part although I think the ideas are beginning to dry up – expect more pictures of Tasmanian Devils.

This evening I ran 4.4 miles. It was my standard, boring, flat route, at my default pace of about 10:30 min/mile. However I was still without my custom insoles and needed to avoid the ankle aggravating hills and pace. It was dry, I got to run and my ankle was good throughout so I’m still giving it a big, fat thumbs up! I now have my insoles back so looking forward to a couple of runs at the weekend.

Janathon Stats:

Running: 28.85 miles

Swimming: 2900 metres

Cycling: 9.6 miles

Core-Strengthening: 9

7 thoughts on “Janathon Day 16 – Over the Hump

  1. Well done on all the hard work you have put it

  2. Can I ask what the Core-Strengthening consists of?

    • I do a series of things like planks with alternate leg lifts, bridges with alternate leg extensions, squats, lunges and clams but with feet in the air. Mostly from a physio programme that I was given last year. Will do a fuller post on them soon.

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