The Winsome Run

a running blog


Holiday run in Tasmania

It is, I’m sure, obvious that  I’m not participating in Janathon this year, I have just returned from a three week holiday in Australia where I spent the first 9 days of the year sitting in the sun, swimming in the pool, eating apricots, strawberries, peaches and raspberries still warm from the garden and visiting friends and family. Not much time for exercise and definitely no time for blogging.

Most of the holiday was spent in my childhood home in Launceston, Tasmania with my parents, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews (only missing my London based sister and her family). It was wonderful, and when I had heard “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” enough times I was able to escape to visit friends and cousins.

Tasmanian Devil at Tasmania Zoo

“Where’s my lunch? “


I have spent the last six months telling my colleagues here in Glasgow that hot weather is not guaranteed fo Christmas in Tasmania, but this year it most definitely delivered: Blue skies most days and lots of days in the high 20Cs and low 30Cs. Lovely weather for holidaying, not so enticing for running. Luckily my brother is hardier than me and he dragged me out for an early morning run on Christmas Eve. He sweetened it by offering to drive us somewhere flat so that we would not have to run back up the hill to our parents’ house.

After that it was easier to fit the runs in, and I braved leaving directly from the house. I got steadily stronger over the three weeks, managing a little bit further up each of the hills on each outing.  I even visited two parkruns, but will write about them separately.

I took my camera on my last run of the holiday, most of my runs involved a loop through the Cataract Gorge, just 10 minutes from my parents’ house to the start of the path. I was so fortunate to grow up here and it was lovely being home. 


A pademelon on the path


Proving I was really there!


There are 2 peacocks in the middle of the central tree!



The Great Scottish Run Half Marathon 2015

Last Sunday I lined up with 25 000 other runners for the Great Scottish Run in Glasgow. I ran this race in 2013 and had a fairly rubbish time. The problems started when I spotted the 8 mile mark then realised it was for the runners coming in the opposite direction and I was only at mile 4. It was downhill from there and I nearly cried when we crossed the Squinty Bridge and instead of turning right towards the finish line we turned left for a lap of the Riverside Museum. In hindsight I had unrealistic expectations and was not as fit as I thought. With two years more running experience I had a much better idea of my fitness for this race and so my goals were:

  1. Run the whole way
  2. Enjoy myself
  3. Sub 2 hours 20 minutes
  4. No nausea after the race

The race starts in George Square, in the centre of Glasgow. I met up with some of my club mates but before the group photo was taken I went off to find the bag drop then line up for the toilet which ended up being such an epic queue that I wouldn’t see my team mates again until the finish line.

I was in the last wave, and by the time I had been to the loo the front of the wave was already moving across the start line. The course begins with a steady uphill, and at the top I was rewarded with my first cheer from my Glasgow FrontRunner club mates. Various team mates turned up five or six times on the course and their support was so cheering that it made me grin, shout and wave back every time. 

The course quickly heads over the Kingston Bridge to the south side of the city before winding its way through the suburbs and in and out of the parks. A much more scenic route than two years ago but also hillier. I had hoped for a 10:15 minutes/mile pace but the hills made this difficult, so I readjusted and aimed to keep on 10:30 minutes/mile. As the miles ticked by and I passed each of my mini milestones (4 miles, half way, 8 miles, 10 miles and just a parkrun to go) I found myself still smiling, feeling good, and still enjoying myself. 

We crossed the Squinty Bridge just after mile 11 and this time we turned right, straight along the Broomielaw towards the finish line. My time was 2:18:47.

Ten minutes faster than my 2013 time. My second fastest half marathon time (though 7 minutes slower than my PB). I was happy with myself until I met up with my club and discovered a club mate who struggled to keep up with me during interval sessions, and who had missed weeks of training due to injury had finished in a time of 2:11. Grrrrr! (I am far too competitive for my own good).

So, I achieved goals 1 to 3, but what about my 4th goal? 

I had decided to drink slightly diluted sports drink during the run, as this is what I had used during my first half marathon in 2012, the only one where I have not suffered from post race nausea. Also because of the late start of the race I had time to drink well and eat well through the morning. As usual I felt well during the race itself, but by the time I got home the nausea was starting to set in. After a shower I slept for an hour then threw up. The nausea continued until about 8:30 pm before disappearing completely at which time I ate a plate of eggs and chips! As I said after the Coniston Half Marathon in June, it really takes the shine off the whole day, and at this point completely puts me off doing another long race. But as with childbirth (or so I hear) the memory of the pain and nausea will fade and I’ll start eyeing up that PB again.

As for the goody bags, I’m not bothered by them and would be happy to never get another one. A race with a decent medal and t-shirt however, are worth travelling across the country for. The Great Scottish Run is not one of those races: I find the medal and t-shirt disappointingly same-same from one ‘Great’ run to the next and the 10k and half-marathon medals are the same. But on the whole, the race itself was wonderful, and that is why I run.


Strathclyde parkrun with Abradypus

A few weeks ago I had a DM on Twitter from Abradypus; Ultra runner, blogger, ‘Athoner and parkrunner extraordinaire. She was planning a trip to Scotland and did I want to meet up? I certainly did and offered her a bed for the night prior to a trip to Strathclyde parkrun. 

It is possibly weird offering a bed for the night to a complete stranger but fellow bloggers are not really complete strangers are they?! I don’t think so and to prove the point I had no trouble spotting Louise when I met her at the station, even though her skin was not quite as yellow in real life as it is in her Twitter avi.

We headed to Strathclyde parkrun this morning. My last visit was in January 2014 and provided my first lesson in parkrun tourism: Always carry warm clothing for after the run. Today, however, it was mild and overcast but dry. Louise paced me for the first 2/3 of the run, asking me questions that I strongly suspect were more to test my effort level rather than satisfy her interest in the difference between physios and occupational therapists. I couldn’t keep with her for the last third, but I still took a minute off my previous Strathclyde time.

Apart from it being lovely to meet Louise in person, she has re-sparked my enthusiasm for parkrun tourism and I have started plotting my tours of the last 5 Scottish parkruns still to be crossed off my list…can I manage it before the end of the year?

Abradypus and me (I need to practise standing up straight)


Half-Marathon Training

The Great Scottish Run is on the 4th October, 3 weeks away today, so I am in peak training and it seems to be going well (*touches nearest block of wood* – which happens to be my head). 

After a rubbish summer, we have been granted a few weeks of sunshine and I have got used to running in the dry. So much so that when I was met with the prospect of heavy rain for yesterday’s parkrun I nearly returned to bed. Of course I did not, and of course it did not actually rain during parkrun. 

I have had lots of company for this training cycle: One of my club mates has been joining me for my Tuesday night interval sessions and I have very bravely joined the club’s half-marathon training group for some of the Sunday long runs. I have had mixed feelings about this, but on the 4 or 5 runs I have been on, I’ve had comapany for at least some of each run.

Today’s long run was to be 13 miles and I had planned to join the club for the whole run which was an out and back along the canal. However at parkrun yesterday I was chatting to my club mate Heather and she told me her plan to run from her house, along the canal to the meeting point, then run back with the club. Thus avoiding a commute, and getting the run over and done with earlier in the day. She invited me to join her, so this morning we headed off at 9:30 am in glorious, if slightly chilly, sunshine for a run along the Forth and Clyde canal. 

A year ago Heather was a 30min+ parkrunner. Since the start of this year she has slashed her 5k time to 27 minutes, run a half marathon in 2 hours 3 minutes and runs circles round me in most training runs. Today she kindly ran with me for our journey into town and we got to the club meeting point after 6.7 miles with time for a toilet stop before heading back to the canal for our return journey (and everyone else’s out journey). 

The return journey was considerably lonelier. Everyone sprinted off within metres of the start so I ran 7 miles on my own, cursing my slowness, cursing my club that is not able to accommodate slow runners, mentally composing an email cursing being the rostered jog leader for the half-marathon group next week, but grateful for the company for the first half of the run.

Heather had waited for me at the point where we left the canal, and we ran the last mile back to her house together. In the end I was happy with the run: 13.7 miles in total and I hit the 13.1 mile mark in 2 hours, 20 minutes which is 8 minutes faster than I ran the Great Scottish Run in 2013. 

This week I have an illustrious visitor coming to stay who I will be joining for some parkrun tourism…stay tuned 🙂


April, May, June, August…

Someone appears to have stolen July. I swear it was only last week that I finished a month long effort of daily exercise and blogging!

Hmmm, maybe it was the week before last.

In truth I have been very low on blogging inspiration and may have even forgotten that I have a blog. I was about to write that running has been equally uninspiring but on consideration I realise that is not entirely true. I have been running regularly and managing 20+ miles each week. I’m still doing my Tuesday night interval sessions and even though I’ve felt quite tired, my times have been gradually improving. 

My cross training has disappeared into the ether: No spin classes, no core strengthening, not even a token nod to my physio exercises. But August is a new month and tonight I started back on the planks and bridges – just a few of each to ease myself back in.

I’ve been to Victoria parkrun most weeks and though I’m not getting to within a bull’s roar of my PB, my times have really not been that bad. Last week I had a great excuse for going a bit slower as I accompanied my friend Debs on her first ever parkrun. She has very impressively taken herself from non-runner to parkrunner via the NHS Couch to 5K app and even overcame a micro fracture and soft tissue damage in her ankle after falling down a flight of stairs the day after her first session. 

A post parkrun reward 😀

There have been a couple of great long runs, one with the club to Mugdock Country Park where I was reminded once again how great trail running is, another with a friend that canal, parks and an awful lot of chat. Other long runs have been a struggle but on Sunday I joined my club for the first of our half marathon training programme in preparation for the Great Scottish Run in October. 

This month I have my parents visiting from Australia, a week off work, my club’s 5 mile race and a 10k race (which I’ve not yet entered but I swear I will!). Plus half marathon training. Plenty to keep me busy 😀.


Juneathon Day 30!!

It’s the last day of Juneathon and I’m struggling to keep track of the days: It definitely feels like it’s Wednesday – probably because I rarely run on Monday and always run on Tuesday, so running yesterday and not today has put me out of sync.

Anyway for my final act of Juneathon I did 4 x 30 squats, 3 x 8 single leg squats and my calf raisers on the step. And sigh, it is done.

So, in case you missed it, here is Juneathon in summary: 

  • Blog posts – 30  woot!!
  • Running – 100.4 miles   woot woot!!
  • Spin Classes – 3
  • Races: a Half Marathon, 10k, and several parkruns (only one of which I hated by the 100m mark)
  • Blog post typos that make me look like a trail running legend – 1
  • Core-strengthning – lost count, but not as many as I should have 
  • Broken teeth – 1
  • Photos of Highland Cows – 0 😔
  • Maiden runs through Clyde Tunnel – 1

Thank you for the company everyone! I’ve really enjoyed Juneathon this year and to  celebrate the end of a month of exercise and excuses, I rewarded myself with this (it’s pistachio flavour, since you asked!):



Juneathon: The Penultimate – Inner chat

Today I wanted to run at least 5.2 miles and to incorporate an interval session of some kind. The bargaining started when I got home:

Lazy Me: Hills are too hard, let’s just run the flat route.

Energetic Me: Ok, well if we’re running the flat route, we may as well do sprint intervals.

LM: Grumble, grumble, we’re too tired

EM: *Sets intervals on watch*

LM: Eight repeats will be plenty, we’re tired, we’ve not done this in months, eight will do.

EM: *Sets 10 repeats* heads off

LM: Oh, our legs are tired, let’s not worry about doing the intervals. Five miles easy is plenty after yesterday’s long run.

EM: Ok, well maybe we could just start and do some of them, some are better than none.

LM: *begrudgingly* maybe, but just 5.

EM: *Starts interval session* see this isn’t so bad, we may as well do all of them.

So for Juneathon Day 29 I ran 5.5 miles with 10 x 1 minute hard efforts, 40 second recovery 😃. 


Juneathon Day 28 – In search of a Heilan’ Coo

My goal for this morning’s long run, was 10 miles. I headed out when the rain cleared at 9:30, starting with a 1.5 mile loop near home as this helps extend my usual routes to the desired length. Only today I decided to go off course and headed to the southside. Juneathon needs a photo of a Highland Cow, and for that I would have to go to Pollok Park.
I figured that I would run for 6ish miles and then turn around and head home the way I came and (minus the original loop) that would work out to be about 10 miles. Despite feeling completely knackered, I plodded on, managing not to get lost in the back streets of Govan.

At mile 5 I passed the entrance to Bellahouston Park. I briefly considered a photo of House for an Art Lover and a mile around Bellahouston, but no, I definitely needed a photo of a Highland Cow, and that meant another mile down the road to Pollok Park. I trudged on entering the Park at the Rugby Club, starting point of last week’s 10k race. “It was just a few hundred metres from the start line to the cow field” I thought to myself. 

Apparently not.

My Garmin ticked over to 7 miles just as I ran past Pollok House and onto the long avenue with the field that always has Highland Cows in it.

This is what the field contained today:   

A very pretty field devoid of Highland Cows. Hmmm. I could keep looking, they must surely be somewhere nearby, but with a return trip of potentially 5 miles I had had enough and was ready for home. I got my phone out and turned on the Google Maps App for the most direct route . It appeared to be a 4.5 mile direct line, starting back the way I had come. Only as I started to follow the route, it suddenly had me veering to the right and up the hill into the depths of Pollok Park. Against my better judgement I did what I was told until the blue dotted line wanted me to turn into dense woodland where there was no path in evidence. It was becoming patently obvious that Google maps really had no idea where I was nor how to get me out. 

Following my nose, and taking left turns where possible, I was eventually spat out of the park at a familiar point, about a mile further away from home than if I had just retraced my steps from the cow-free field. I re-set Google maps and continued on, wishing that I had money for a bus or the underground.

By this point, the sun was, at least, shining, my legs had perked up and it was probably the stretch of the whole run that I enjoyed the most.

It was at 9.6 miles that my Garmin ran out of battery, and also the point where I examined the Google maps route a little more closely and discovered that it involved a ferry crossing across the Clyde. A ferry crossing that I’m pretty sure does not exist, and even if it did exist I had no money for anyway.

I had two choices: 1. Continue to the nearest bridge, with an extra couple of miles onto the route or 2. Go to the much closer Clyde Tunnel and brave the scary pedestrian access tunnel. 

I opted for 2, run-walking toward what I hoped would be the pedestrian entrance. The pedestrian/cycle tunnel runs alongside the car tunnel and is accessed by pressing a buzzer which is released by the control workers. They count any pedestrians in and out again at the other end, and limit the numbers accessing the tunnel at any one time. 

The tunnel was eerie, although well lit and relatively clean. As the Clyde at this point is deep enough for large ships to navigate, it is not surprising that it is a steep hill down and then back up the other side. I ran the down section and walked the other side. 


I met only one other person coming the other way, a young woman who stood aside as I ran past. Once safely out again it was only a half mile home which I walked.

Juneathon Day 28 – 11.5 miles run

  • Running – 11.5 miles
  • Highland Cows – 0
  • Stupid Technology Fails – several


Juneathon Day 27 – parkrun

One hundred metres into this morning’s parkrun and I thought “I really hate parkrun”. Today was my 60th parkrun, so that thought was either a lie, or I am very good at convincing myself to do things I find repugnant. 

So, maybe I don’t always hate parkrun, but I didn’t love today’s run. Based on my almost PB a fortnight ago, I had had high hopes for today, but it was not to be: I felt a bit off and it was sunny and warmish. I even forwent the run home when I was offered a lift. In the end my time was 28:07 which is not too shabby.

It was a quick shower once home and back out the door to meet up with a friend and her baby for a walk. We ended up back in Victoria Park and had an icecream and talked to the ducks, swans and coots (I think coot chicks have got to be the ugliest chicks around).

Juneathon Day 27 – 4 miles running and approximately 4 miles walking.




Juneathon Day 26 – A win for Juneathon

Had it not been for Juneathon, today would have been an exercise free day: I got home from work just after 3:00pm and sat on the couch, I ate some crisps, perused Twitter and read some Juneathon blogs. I made a cup of tea and ate two chocolate chip biscuits and some licorice. I looked at Facebook (cue some eye-rolling) and re-freshed Twitter. I then got off the couch and sat at my sewing machine and finished the patchwork top for a table runner for my mum. I listened to the News Quiz (bye Sandi Toksvig, it won’t be the same without you) and made my dinner. While dinner was cooking I did my calf raisers on the step and considered leaving it at that. I hopped around the kitchen and considered leaving it there. I ate my dinner (normally my line in the sand for exercise) and washed up. I lay down on the floor and did side leg raisers, planks with alternate leg lifts and bridges with alternate leg lowering. I even stretched my hamstrings.

Juneathon Day 26 – some core-strengthening that would never have been done if it were not for Juneathon.